
Zoning Board of Appeals

The Winthrop Zoning Board of Appeals hears and decides requests for variances from the minimum setbacks requirements, maximum building height, area and size of structures or size of yards or open spaces. The Board also hears and decides Administrative Appeals which are appeals where it alleged there is an error by the Codes Enforcement Officer in the administration of the Winthrop Zoning Ordinance.

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets at 7 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, as needed.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Dawn Emerson Town Planner (207) 377-7200 x 6014


NameTerm Expires
Ronald Taylor

12/31/2027 (5-year term)


Greg Chamberland

12/31/2026 (3-year term)

Vacancy One

12/31/2026 (3-year term)

Roger Hanson

12/31/2024 (3-year term)

Allen Hitt

12/31/2027 (5-year term)

Town Council Liaison


Associate Members

NameTerm Expires
Vacancy Two

12/31/2027 (3-year term)

Vacancy Three

12/31/2025 (3-year term)