
Cannabis Business License Application

Details on cannabis regulation can be found in the Cannabis Ordinance.

D.B.A. License (Doing Business As)

If you plan on opening a business in the Town of Winthrop, you are required to file for a D.B.A. License. The D.B.A. License registers your business with the Town and the cost is $10.00 for this one time filing. A copy of the D.B.A. License can be found at the bottom of this page.

Transient License

If you are planning to operate a roadside vendor stand of any kind, you must file for a Transient License through the Town of Winthrop. The cost for a 30-day license is $10.00 and an annual license is $25.00. A copy of the Transient License can be found at the bottom of this page.

Victualer's License

If you are planning to open a business that serves prepared foods you must apply for a Victualer's License with the Town of Winthrop. The cost for an annual Victualer's License is $25.00 and must be applied for annually. A copy of the Victualer's License can be found at the bottom of this page.

Special Entertainment License

Any business in the Town of Winthrop that provides certain types of entertainment is required to file for a Special Amusement License. Amusement includes music by a DJ or live musician, dancing, comedy acts, etc. The Special Amusement License is $25.00 and must be applied for annually. A copy of the Special Amusement License can be found at the bottom of this page.