Trains through Winthrop to increase from 25 to 40 mph

CSX Transportation, which operates the railroad through Winthrop, will be increasing its train speeds in the area from 25 to 40 miles per hour. The change will occur in the next 30 to 90 days. 

CSX railroad tracks in WinthropThe company assured the higher speeds should not impact safety at local grade crossings -- those with active warning and control devices such as bells, flashing lights and gates, in addition to passive warning devices such as crossbucks (the x-shaped signs that mean yield to the train), yield or stop signs, and pavement markings. CSX offered these railroad crossing safety tips: 

  • Always look for warning signs and signals. Flashing red lights indicate a train is approaching. Do not cross the tracks until the lights have stopped flashing and it is safe to do so.
  • Always assume a train is coming. Look carefully in each direction before crossing the tracks. Trains can run on any track, in either direction, at any time.
  • If it won’t fit, don’t commit! Be sure there is enough space to clear the crossing without stopping. For your safety, leave at least 15 feet between the rear of your vehicle and the tracks.
  • If your vehicle stalls on a crossing, get everyone out immediately. Move far away from the tracks even if you don’t see a train approaching. Call the emergency notification number posted on or near the crossing, or call 9-1-1.
  • Trains cannot stop quickly. The average freight train traveling 55 miles per hour may take a mile or more to stop.
  • Watch for vehicles such as school buses and trucks carrying hazardous materials that are required to come to a full stop at railroad crossings.
  • Make sure you cross the tracks only at designated crossings, and never try to beat a train through a crossing.
  • Any issue or incident on or near CSX tracks that risks the safety of any person should be reported immediately to the company's Public Safety Coordination Center at 800-232-0144.